Kale has also endured the weeks of frustration in playing The Ticket Game: Phish 3.0. I can't remember a day in the past 5 months that we haven't been searching, trading, and (eternally gratefully) getting miracled by a friend with better lotto luck than we to find full sets of Hampton tickets for our crew. Not easy. Advanced Phish for sure. "The hottest tickets on the planet" I've been told time and time again.
But whew, now we can finally relax and start packing the car. With a week and a day to go before the big night, I am elated to announce that our Ticket Game for this run is finally over. It had its twists and its turns, great highs and sad lows, and lemme tell you, it's gonna feel damn good to scan these puppies in at the gate.
For those of you who are either still playing The Ticket Game, or have been "Locked Out" as this phan so eloquently describes, my heart goes out to you sincerely. As cool as The Mothership is, I still wish Phish had played their comeback gig in a gigantic grassy field where everyone who wanted to go could pay $50 and see the damn thing, especially given the state of the economy. How about "let's try Coventry again, do it right, and keep on playing shows afterwards"? That would have been my preference, but hey, no complaints! It's gonna be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for a very small number of people, considering the size and enthusiasm of Phish's fanbase, so if that's what they were going for to achieve their triumphant return, then so be it. I have a feeling there might be a few tricks up their sleeve that can only be unveiled in a venue like Hampton. We'll see.
So in response to the stress a dear friend of ours was experiencing while still waiting for his tickets up until yesterday without evidence that they even existed, Kale took this picture as proof of their arrival after signing the FedEx receipt this morning.
He writes: "These tickets seem to be the only color in our lives :)"
Nice work Kale:

Cash for your extra!! (just kidding)
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