Thursday, May 15, 2008

might as well...

The story goes something like this: joined some pals for a night at the pirate bar down in Catskill one springy night not too long ago, funny place. We loaded up the jukebox and when my selection of Van Halen's Jump! came on, it matched our spirits perfectly. Really kicked the energy up a notch in the place -- I love it when that happens. Air-keytar action ensued and when things settled down a bit, my buddy and I began imagining what the hell it must have been like to be tracking that freakin' session, I mean the energy involved is super-human to say the least! Seriously, try it. Listen to that song and imagine actually being in the recording session at that very moment and you'll get my point. We were wishing we'd been flies on the wall the day that tape was rolling...

So today, I was retelling that watering-hole story around the water-cooler with a fellow friend and engineer, he totally got the idea. He asked if I'd ever heard Aztec Camera's version of Jump! Have you? Totally different vibe, beautiful all the same.

Go ahead and...

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